7/7/7 Pedido al Universo / Alineamiento Cósmico


¡¡SOY EL AMOR que reina en el todo!!
¡¡SOY LA LUZ que alumbra el universo!!
¡¡SOY EL AIRE que apaga la llama del fuego!!
¡¡SOY EL AGUA que riega la Tierra!!
¡¡SOY EL FUEGO que purifica la Luz!!
¡¡SOY LA TIERRA que alimenta a sus hijos!!

Somos tus hijos, tu creación y tu continuidad.
Elevamos hoy nuestro pensamiento clamando tu bondad.
Aleja todo mal de esta realidad.
Aleja la oscuridad y el miedo.
Somos tus hijos que pedimos, encontrar la verdad.
Que nuestros corazones se ablanden de piedad.
Mándanos tu LUZ y AMOR a esta humanidad.
Paz y Armonía a los países que sufren.
Libertad a los pueblos que lloran.
Consciencia a los gobiernos.
Honestidad a las creencias.
Generosidad para los pobres.
Conocimiento a los niños.
Entendimiento a las mentes.
Magnificencia a los necesitados.
Abundancia a todos los seres.

Te pedimos que acabe la oscuridad del alma
y reine la Luz de la Consciencia.
Que reine en la faz de la Tierra la Paz y la Armonía.
Que confiemos los unos a los otros.
Que no olvidemos las infinitas posibilidades
que nacen de la creencia interna.
Que utilicemos aquellos dones que hemos recibido
y que compartamos el amor que nos ha sido dado.
Dejemos que la presencia divina permita
a nuestras almas la felicidad de Amar.

Fuerzas positivas del universo, vengan a nuestro encuentro.
Elementos de la naturaleza: Aire, Fuego, Agua y Tierra,
nosotros los invocamos para que nos ayuden.
Unidos con el poder de nuestra fuerza interior
deseamos profundamente que las almas
despierten del sueño en que se encuentran.
Ayúdanos padre del universo a que podamos
iluminar los senderos del camino verdadero,
para todos aquellos que nos acompañamos
y para aquellos que aún no lo han hecho.

Que podamos reflejar la humildad en el conocimiento.
Que las virtudes y los dones nos apoyen
Y nos indiquen el sendero de la LUZ y AMOR.
Danos la sabiduría para que nuestra palabra
llegue a los confines del planeta y que las almas
se alimenten del conocimiento universal.
Amplía nuestro entendimiento, refuerza nuestra valentía,
la creencia y la alegría de SER y ESTAR
en el Corazón, Alma y Espíritu Cósmico.
Solo así podremos ser seres justos con nosotros mismos
y ser dignos de entrar en tu Mente de Amor.

Les ordenamos almas de la oscuridad,
retirarse de donde están e ir hacia la Luz.
Almas de la oscuridad, nosotros los seres de Luz,
alumbramos donde no existe la Luz,
aniquilamos la densidad y transformamos
la confusión en claridad.
Somos los emisores de todas las energías
que estamos recibiendo.
Nuestra presencia multiplicará
la energía sanadora por donde caminemos.
Nosotros somos la LUZ que sana,
El AMOR que alumbra, que enseña,
que transmuta, que ayuda y que dirige las sombras.

Porque unidos combatiremos el mal, arrancaremos
las raíces de la fuerza negativa-enferma.
Somos la fuerza donde se apoyan los pilares del universo.
Que la LUZ y el AMOR inunden el planeta Tierra
y que los seres florezcan en la divina energía
que envuelve el universo.

Por indicarnos el Camino de Regreso.
Por enseñarnos a mirar en nuestro interior.
Por darnos la dicha de descubrir nuestras verdades.
Por llamarnos hijos y hermanos.
Has llenado nuestro corazón con tu sabiduría
y has hecho de nuestras almas tu morada.
GRACIAS por la paz que vibra en nuestro corazón.
GRACIAS por toda la alegría y felicidad en nuestra vida.
GRACIAS por sentir tu AMOR.
GRACIAS por enseñarnos a AMAR a nuestros hermanos
en este camino de Victoria y Prosperidad.
GRACIAS porque somos AMOR por todos y por el todo.



A monumental discovery with four years of comprehensive geo-archaeological research has failed to reach mainstream audiences for some reason. The most active pyramid site in the world dating the pyramid complex back 25,000 years has also released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an energy source. The recent study reveals energy beams transmitting electromagnetic signals unexplainable by our science in what is now documented as the largest Pyramid complex in the world. Overwhelming evidence, supported by scientific research from all over the archaeological community proves that our recorded history is wrong concerning ancient cultures, which in turn changes religion, science and academics.

Open your Mind: How Advertising and Entertainment Shape Your Subconscious



They say the subconscious is more powerful than the conscious. Usually, people are more influenced by their innate subconscious desires or intent than a rational and planned decision. This aspect of human nature is heavily influenced by your daily activity.


In western society, the subconscious mind of the individual is often subject to a number of heavy influences, through entertainment mediums especially. Television, movies, and music create a profound subconscious effect on the human mind that influences and dictates the choices that they will make to at least some degree.

If you see a certain car advertisement, whether or not you rationally decide your stance on it, you are being pre-programmed to at least accept or acknowledge any claims made by the advertisement itself.

Likewise, the choice of television shows and dramatic elements appearing on TV have a psychological influence on those who watch them. According to statistics, by age 18 the average American youth will have seen over 200,000 simulated acts of violence. The glorification of drug and alcohol use predisposes an individual to rationally accept and sometimes consent to these actions.

The human self image is psychologically manipulated. When you compare yourself to a famous individual or a person who is depicted as ‘successful’, you may be setting yourself up to subconsciously feel less valuable from the comparison. This subconscious act creates people who are wildly insecure about their physical and mental image.

Romance and sex is also psychologically implanted through advertisements and drama. The use of sex appeal to sell products is obvious. Similarly, dramatic scenes of love and romantic feelings often prey on the human desire to feel loved, and will program an individual to act or react to those situations in certain ways. Displays of sexual suggestiveness and simulated depictions of sexual relations in media all contribute to influencing increased sexual activity in young people. Not only that, but they also lead to unhealthy obsession with sex into later years, generally resulting in pornography usage.

Its not just television and movies either. With internet advertising, viral videos depicting most of these things in horrific detail, and video games, a horde of negative media pervades over society. This power of subconscious influence guides and decides the goals, desires, and opinions of each individual.

A blurring of reality with fiction occurs in this scenario, where the individual is influenced to orient themselves in alignment with these false goals and aspirations that are implanted into them through these mediums. In extreme cases, their ability to distinguish reality from fiction is impaired, and culminates in some explosive form. If you add drugs to the entire equation (legal or illegal), you may end up with self destruction.


If you are  aware of the psychological programming, you can intellectually dissent to it, despite the fact that its continued appearance will dull your senses to how serious the programming actually is. People who are exposed to simulated violence, sex, substance abuse, and drama often become upset, whereas the average person may simply accept these things as easily as they have incrementally conditioned to lose perspective.

It’s highly important to be aware of the matrix, deception, society, media, television, psychology, consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, conscious, awake, lies, control, illuminati, conspiracy, rich, poor, money, power that occurs on a daily basis. People are taught to live in a simulated reality, with pre determined goals, aspirations, and false expectations. Unplug yourself and others from this form of subconscious influence, thereby unlocking your full potential- rather than being unconsciously controlled by a vague ideal or false images.

Source: naturalsociety.com


A most popular method comes from Buddhist meditation practice of Vipassana. It’s all about practicing detachment from each thought and being centered in the “here and now.” It focuses on situational awareness and “in the moment” presence. There is also a focus on communion with the cosmos, which can translate to prayer, but not necessarily. The best way to commune with the universe is to ask questions as opposed to seeking answers. In the mindfulness method, answers are mere side-effects of good questioning.

How to: One can practice mindfulness in any position, even lying down. The key is presence with the present moment, and clear and concise communion with the cosmos.


This may be the oldest form of meditation known to humanity. The drumming method is typically used by native and aboriginal cultures, and is generally shamanic in nature. The Om method is traditionally from Vedanta Hinduism, though the sound itself is fairly universal to mankind. These methods focus on breathing and heart rhythm in accordance with, or even dissonance with, the sound and feel of the percussion or mantra.

The heart beat itself is a drum. Breathing is a drum beat that we can control. These two methods are all about transformation through vibration and the awareness of cosmic frequencies. Shamans often use drum meditation to cross physical, mental, and spiritual thresholds. It’s a bridge that carries them to a higher sense of self in accordance with the greater cosmos.

How to: Create a sacred place. Clear your mind. Breathe with intent. If you’re the drummer, infuse your intention into the drum before drumming. Begin playing or listening to the drum. Give yourself a few minutes to fall into rhythm with the beat. Fade your drumming into silence, feeling your body’s response to the beat, then return to the drum. Repeat with clear intent.

Perfección de la naturaleza

Manifestación de la geometría sagrada, el lenguaje cósmico universal. La perfección, secuencias fractales, estrella de seis puntas, todo en un rocío de agua congelada.


This method comes from the Taoist tradition. It is all about hyper-focus on breathing techniques and/or bodily movements to cultivate and maintain life energy. This is the most philosophical of the methods, deriving most of its techniques from martial arts and meditative healing methods. It focuses on moving Qi (life force) through the body through focused breathing, mental techniques, and precise movements. This method is all about the balance and equilibrium of both inner and outer forces.

How to: No matter what Qi exercise you’re doing, imagine the Qi moving through your body as you breathe in an out. As you inhale through your nose, imagine the Qi moving through your body and down to your Lower Dantian, or naval area. As you exhale through your mouth imagine the Qi moving through the rest of your body. Repeat.